Dealing with Preschool Behavior in Public
With Christine Jurik, MA, BCBA, COBA, of Behavior Consulting Services, LLC
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| Description of Presentation:Embarrassed by your kids' behavior in public? Are there times when you don't know what to do? Do you sometimes just give in to what they are whining about because it's the easiest approach? How should you appropriately discipline in public without causing a scene? Christine Jurik, MA, BCBA, COBA, of Behavior Consulting Services, LLC, will discuss ways to deal with preschooler behavior when running errands, attending parties and participating in community functions. Jurik will also teach attendees how to address whining, yelling, tantrums, unsafe behaviors and more. Learn new behavioral strategies to feel more confident taking your preschoolers with you in the community! CFK ResourcesFamilies who are interested in seeking professional mental healthcare support after listening to this podcast can learn about provider types, therapy options and more with our guide to choosing a mental health provider. |