Do your kids constantly fight with each other? Does the competition among siblings in grades, sports or any activity drive you crazy? Do you have a child with a disability who has differing needs and other siblings get jealous? Join Nikki Rotshtein, Occupational Therapist with over 20 years of experience, and Parent Coach and founder of Kavana Parenting, as she teaches you tools to support all of your children whether you are dealing with sibling conflict, jealousy or competition. She will also discuss how having a sibling with disabilities impacts others in the family and ways that a new baby changes the family dynamic.
This program is for adults only and is presented in partnership with Lakewood Public Library.
Childcare is available for this event for children ages 1-12, but registration is required.
Click here to register for childcare.
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30628 Detroit Rd. #252 Westlake, Ohio 44145
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