The following organizations provide information and support for gifted individuals:
American Mensa
American Mensa is a membership organization dedicated to identifying and fostering human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, encouraging research in the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence and providing a stimulating intellectual and social environment for members. Membership is available for ages 3 and up and Mensa Kids offers additional programming and resources for young Mensans.
American Psychological Association: Center for Gifted Education Policy
The mission of the Center for Gifted Education Policy is to generate public awareness, advocacy, clinical applications, and cutting-edge research ideas that will enhance the achievement and performance of children and adolescents with special gifts and talents in all domains, including the academic disciplines, the performing arts, sports and the professions.
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
NAGC's mission is to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research. We aim to help parents and families, K-12 education professionals including support service personnel, and members of the research and higher education community who work to help gifted and talented children as they strive to achieve their personal best and contribute to their communities.
National Society for Gifted and Talented (NSGT)
NSGT is a nonprofit organization created to honor and nurture gifted and talented (G&T) children and youth.
Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC)
OAGC’s mission is to promote and support the development of gifted students through dissemination of information, advocacy on their behalf, encouragement of affiliate organizations, and to promote research and education for gifted children.
Ohio Department of Education (ODE): Office for Exceptional Children
Maintains state policies on identification, testing and acceleration along with resources for parents and teachers.
Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted (SENG)
SENG’s mission is to empower families and communities to guide gifted and talented individuals to reach their goals: intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
University of Iowa Acceleration Institute
The Acceleration Institute is dedicated to the study of curricular acceleration for academically talented children.
World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC)
Worldwide non-profit organization that provides advocacy and support for gifted children. The WCGTC is a diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents, and others interested in the development and education of gifted and talented children of all ages.
According to the Davidson Institute, "Profoundly gifted students are those who score in the 99.9th percentile on IQ and achievement tests." The following organizations support profoundly gifted individuals:
Davidson Institute
The Davidson Institute’s mission is to recognize, nurture and support profoundly intelligent young people (18 and under) and to provide opportunities for them to develop their talents to make a positive difference.
According to the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), "The term “twice-exceptional,” also referred to as “2e,” is used to describe gifted children who have the characteristics of gifted students with the potential for high achievement and give evidence of one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria. These disabilities may include specific learning disabilities (SpLD), speech and language disorders, emotional/behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, autism spectrum, or other impairments such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)." The following organizations support twice-exceptional learners:
Gifted Homeshoolers Forum (GHF)
GHF supports, educates and advocates for gifted and twice-exceptional children, their families, and the professionals who serve them, as they pursue alternative, lifelong educational paths.
Twice Exceptional Children's Advocacy (TECA)
TECA’s mission is to help parents understand what twice exceptionality is and help them identify whether their children are 2e. TECA assists parents in finding and advocating for the education and resources their children require. TECA provides a strong, vibrant, accepting community for 2e children and their families.