Thomas has two children and lives in Lakewood.
What do you do to relax?
Paint and work on video games based on my child's art.
What else would you like to tell us about yourself?
I'm originally from NYC, moved to OH when I met my (to be) wife.
What benefits has Connecting for Kids brought to you and your family?
Just the knowledge that there are others out there with the same experiences and that people like CFK want to help!
Which have been your favorite Connecting for Kids resources?
The emails have been a huge trove of information!
What I worry about most…
What will happen to my child after I'm gone.
The hardest thing for me to learn was...
My child isn't just his disability- there is a vibrant, smart kid who wants to be treated like every other kid.
The best thing about parenting a child who struggles is...
We've learned that every child has something to contribute, which is why when my child showed an interest in art, I started using his drawings as characters in my games.
Do you have any recommended resources such as blogs, websites, or books that we can share?
I really enjoy Tamara Hull's blog.
Is there anything else about your journey that you would like to share with other parents?
I am so grateful that organizations like CFK exist!
Screenshot of Thomas' video game using his child's art.